
Bay Area Discord Drivers

Welcome to the Bay Area Discord Drivers Discord Server.
There are a few guidelines and rules that we want to touch on
before we allow you to join our server and contribute to our community.

Please refer to the map above regarding which part of the Bay you are from.


[1]: Be respectful / Usage of excessive extremely inappropriate language is prohibited. (See Harassment (A).)
[2]: Don't Spam.
[3]: Post content in the correct channel, if you are unsure of which channel to post on, ask.
[4]: Don't post personal information without permission. (See Privacy (G).)
[5]: Listen to what Staff says.
[6]: Users are not allowed to leave and rejoin the server repeatedly. If you plan on being inactive for an extended period, let a moderator know. Added October 16, 2018
(See Rage Quit (D).)
[7]: No soliciting for recruitment of another server/group on B.A.D.D.
[8]: Do not post others on social media without permission. (See Social Media (F).)
Added June 16, 2019

[9]: Please also follow all the guidelines outlined on the Discord TOS/Guidelines.

*** This is a FREE group, you do not need to pay to be part of this group. ***


First and foremost, please be considerate to those on the server; Respect each member as you would yourself and others. Hateful profanity, derogatory, and racist language will not be allowed as we have all types of people on the server. Words that hold a derogatory or negative connotation will result in a verbal warning. You will be given one warning on your first offense. Your Second offense you will be muted. Third you will be banned. (See Mute (B).)If you do not like someone, feel free to block them. If you have tried to get along with someone you still feel uncomfortable try discussing your options with a Consultant.

Please do remember sarcasm and tone are harder to communicate over text.

Any form of harassment against another member is not allowed. If it's through Social Media (Discord, Instagram, Facebook, etc) or in real life, we will give you one warning. If we receive a complaint after that, staff will determine if it's a bannable offense or not. This server is not a dating app, please don't look or ask for dates. If it happens naturally at meets and personal proximity, that is fine. But please understand it will be seen as harassment if people feel uncomfortable. If you have a friend intending to use the server solely to find a date, do not invite them.

Note: You can reach out to @Moderators or @Consultant to address any situation or problem on the server, should another user make you feel uncomfortable. Please contact consultants for non-serious problems. If you face any serious problems, contact a moderator. If you are in any immediate danger, please contact the authorities.

If a staff member sees a member is being disorderly or causing drama, we will likely give you a verbal warning. If you do not act civilly, we may mute you.
Mutes are given out under mod/admin discretion Added January 10, 2019
and are an exception to the two strike harassment policy if the case is taken leniently. You are allotted 3 strikes. If you have been kicked before the third strike, you will be banned.

Occasionally, to keep this server alive and active - we prune inactive members. This is to make it easier to find other active users to chat with, as well as cleaning up mentions as members occasionally have similar usernames. Being "Online" does not mean you are active. Going to meets, introducing yourself to the group, or chatting with us on the server within 30 days of a prune date means you’re active. If you get pruned, you may rejoin the server after reading the rules and answering two quiz questions. If you have been pruned before, there may be additional quiz questions.

Please remember to inform the staff if you plan on being inactive for an extended period of time in the future.

~ Next Prune Date: January 1, 2025 ~

Rage quitting is defined by a user becoming frustrated with another user and leaving unannounced and/or abruptly. Under certain circumstances, users may want to temporarily leave the discord, whether to decrease distractions or if they find they need a break from the chat.This is fine, however, you must inform staff if you are leaving or else it'll be considered a rage quit. Users are only allowed to leave once without warning, however, if you leave a second time - you will be penalized with a probationary period of 30 days in addition to 10 days per any broken rules. Added August 1, 2019
Should a moderator find a certain member is problematic or does not engage well with the community, we will kick you for 30 days. After those 30 days, you are welcome to rejoin the server.
Once you rejoin you will be required to re-read the rules and be given at least three quiz questions Revised Oct 1, 2020
, and on the next offense you will be banned permanently.
In the case that you have been verbally warned, and are kicked - you will have 10 days added to your probation per warning. Added November 30, 2020

If there are any reports from member(s) accusing another member of scamming or stealing money in #classified-no-chat, you will be instantly banned without probation. All formal complaints will be reviewed by staff. If we find evidence that you've scammed another member, that you've leaked information, documentation, or publically released any content from the server, or any reason we find that you've broken several rules in a short time, you will be banned. Revised Sep 28, 2020
Don't post others or their property on your social media without permission from those individuals. Please respect their privacy. In the event of an accident, please refrain from using social media to speak or post about the accident. Make sure that you have explicit permission from all parties involved in the accident before you post anything.

(G) Privacy and Security
All content on the server is strictly confidential. It is assumed that any chat is said in confidence and should therefore be treated as such. Remember to confirm with the relevant member(s) before sharing information specifically pertaining to them that may be sensitive. Anyone found to leak any documentation or screenshots of information will be permanently banned. Added Sep 28, 2020


New members are not allowed to invite new users until you’ve been part of the community for at least one month. Once you've been in the chat for at least a month and have contributed and/or attended a BADD event, you may receive this role. Moderators can add you to this role at their discretion. If you've broken any rules and/or invited more than two members who get banned, you may lose the role. Please contact a moderator if you believe you deserve the role.

All invitees must be invited by a member who is currently on the server. Members who have left or been banned are not allowed to invite anyone to the server. Members who have been kicked can invite users after their probationary period. Added Sept 27, 2020

*** You will be held accountable for people you invite to the server. ***

Guidelines to think of before inviting:
[1] How well do you know them?

Is this person going to fit well into the group and hold a conversation?
Have you known them for 2 weeks or longer?

[2] Are they mature enough for the server?

Are they 18 or older? We do not allow minors in the group. Revised Oct 9, 2018

Do I trust their driving in general? Do I trust them driving in front or behind me?
Do they at least have a driver's license? Learner's Permit? Revised Sept 17, 2018
Will this person harass or disrespect anyone in the group?
If the person you want to invite is known to make repeated unwanted advances on people, please refer to the harassment policy.

[3] Is this person likely to scam other members in the marketplace?

If they don’t fit in with any part of these criteria, or you just don't know yet, hold off on inviting them, especially if you don't know them well enough. Revisit the option to invite when you think, said person is good to go. If all three are "No" please refrain from inviting them.

If you have a friend who intends to use this server to meet people solely at a romantic capacity, please do not invite them. Added Aug 24, 2018

If anyone tries to force you to add them, don’t add them, and let us know the situation. Added December 11, 2018If anyone who has been previously banned tells you to invite them, do not invite them, and let us know of the situation.

We should always respect Law Enforcement, as they are doing their jobs. Due to the nature of the community, we cannot have Law Enforcement on this server. Please do not invite, even if they are car enthusiasts. Added January 26, 2019

Invite Liability
You will be held accountable for anyone who you invite if they get banned. If you invite two people who get banned, your instant invite privileges will be taken away.
To keep inviting members, you will need to ask a moderator or higher to invite. Added January 26, 2019
If any additional members you invite get banned, you will be kicked for 30 days. Added Oct 1, 2020

If you knowingly invite a member who has been previously banned, you will be kicked for 30 days. If you have been kicked before, you will be banned.


This group is intended for use while stationary or if driving, only passengers to use. Please do not text and drive. Walkie Talkies are recommended. Don't rely on the voice channel to help while driving, walkie talkies or hands-free devices are the best forms of communication while driving. Helping one another is always a good thing, but do not feel as if you are obligated to help every single time.

The majority of us drive a manual/stick shift, so please don't creep so close to the bumper. Expect roll back! Please inform the chat if there's a set up to be ticketed or pulled over. We need to watch each other's backs as much as possible.

If there is someone intoxicated while driving, please stop and report said driver to Law Enforcement. If you're intoxicated, we don't want you to drive if you are not sober. This includes alcohol and/or medication/substances that impair your ability to operate heavy machinery.

If you are found liable for damage to another's vehicle or person without stopping (Hit-and-run) due to reckless driving or DUI, you will be instantly banned. Added March 5th, 2021

Banned Members are not allowed to attend our gatherings or monthly cruises. However, if you are kicked for < 30 days, you may attend if approved by a moderator.Added February 7th, 2019

Click this to read our road guide before driving with us


Remember to check any channel you're on for pinned messages for anything important! On mobile, press the three dots on the top right corner and press "pinned messages".

For touge notifications please use "~touge" in our touge or bot-hell channel.

For track notifications please use "~track" in our track or bot-hell channel.

To access our anime chat, please use "~weeb" in our bot-hell channel.
NSFW Channel:
To see the #nsfw channel, please understand that there may be offensive / graphic / sexual / shitposting / other material in the channel. If you are easily offended, please do not ask to join. If you’d like to join, please type the following in #bot-hell "~nsfw"

In addition, the rules for #nsfw are stated below: - No jokes that contain violence, sexual assault (especially rape), and hate speech towards any ethnic group or minority. - 18+ only.